Update on Gehla Mngoma and Ponderosa Farm
Mr Gehla Mngoma and his family continue to produce a brilliant crop of cabbages, potatoes and tomatoes but since the loan period ended for the demo tractors that Mascor provided, a replacement has been greatly needed. Mr Mngoma’s mentors, Mr Beesie Stone and Mr Craig Macfarlane have identified a suitable second-hand machine from Dorning Motors and we are pleased to announce that Ubuhlebezwe Municipality LED department will be contributing R35 000 towards the deposit thereof. HGA, through its Standard Bank grant funding, will be allocating R30 000 and Mr Mngoma will be covering the bulk of the payment.
At the same time, progress is being made in building Mr Mngoma’s set of books in order to promote better financial management and accountability in his business and we are appreciative of Mrs Avril Shewan and Mrs Elrina Venter for the effort and patience this has required.
Photo cred: Lianne Ashton